Search Results
HHO. 2 Construction of a test cell.
HHO. 6 (Re-edited video) Test results for the test set up in HHO. 5
HHO. 5 Test setup, the results are in HHO.6
HHO. 26 It's a gift, no strings attached.
HHO Cell Design # 2 (Demo of Construction, 5 plate setup)
HHO. 3 Some mods to the cell and higher than anticipated capacitance reading.
HHO. 28 Preparation for the next test
HHO. 20 Using a VNA to find the cell resonance
HHO. 11 Cell resistance vs temperature ~ 0.49 Ω per °C
HHO. 19
HHO. 23 Purified water resonant cell, a truncated copy of HHO. 22
HHO cell configuration test (2)